About Us

OPPRO Homes is designed to enhance your quality of life. As a people-focused company, we offer you not just a home but a new life with the properties we have selected for you. Our living spaces, located in the most modern, popular, and high-quality living areas in Turkey such as Antalya, Istanbul, and Izmir, are built entirely with environmental sensitivity and sustainable standards for your comfort.

Our professional team not only presents you with the most suitable real estate options, but also provides detailed guidance on Turkish laws and regulations to facilitate all the processes of your new life journey.

We value and love people, so our goal is to provide the best service to our customers. We believe in people and aim to provide them with comfortable and happy living spaces where they can discover their potential.

oppro homes about

As OPPRO Homes, the values we offer

Comfortable living spaces

Our designs aim to meet the needs of people and enhance their quality of life. Therefore, our homes aim to provide the most suitable living space for you and your family.

Environmentally-friendly homes

Our homes are designed using environmentally-friendly designs and materials that are in harmony with the environment. This way, our homes are made suitable for both you and the environment.

Professional support

Our aim is to provide any kind of information about real estate and Turkish laws and regulations to our customers. By doing this, we can help you make the best choice during the process of purchasing a home and make the process easier for you.


People-focused service

We value and care about people. Therefore, our goal is to provide the best service to our customers. We aim to provide a comfortable and happy living space where people can discover their potential.